September 28 Team-Based Learning Workshop in Atlanta

Improve your teaching or learn how to effectively use Team-Based Learning™ (TBL) on Saturday, September 28, 2013, at the Renaissance Concourse Atlanta Airport Hotel in Atlanta GA.

Experts in TBL will offer an all day session with 2 workshops:

TBL 101
This introduction is conducted in a TBL format. Participants must prepare ahead, take an individual readiness assessment (IRA), and engage actively with their assigned team members. The structure, process, and essential characteristics of an effective TBL module are emphasized. By the conclusion of this workshop, the participant will be able to:

  • Explain the key components of a successful TBL module.
  • Outline how they would construct a TBL module from a set of objectives.
  • Describe how they might convert a course/lecture they already teach into a TBL module.
  • Illustrate how to transform a small group into a productive learning-team.

Writing an Effective TBL Module
This workshop is for educators who have completed the introductory workshop on Team-Based Learning™ – TBL 101. The entire workshop is conducted in a TBL format and there is an advance assignment. By the conclusion of this workshop, the participant will be able to:

  • Describe how to construct a Group Application Exercise (GAE) that promotes group cohesiveness.
  • Identify how to use the four S’s in the design of GAE question.
  • Demonstrate at least two different formats for the display of team productivity.
  • Explain how the ‘power of why’ in question writing generates so much learner engagement.

Registration is $195 for the Entire Day or $125 per Session
Register at the Team-Based Learning™ website.
Book Standard Deluxe Room at Renaissance Concourse Atlanta Airport Hotel.

Call for Abstracts for the Team-Based Learning Collaborative’s 2014 annual meeting
Want more TBL?
Do you use TBL in your course?
Submit an abstract for the Team-Based Learning Collaborative’s 2014 annual meeting in Fort Worth, Texas.
Deadline for submission of abstracts for oral presentations and workshops is September 15, 2013. Abstracts for poster presentations are due November 15, 2013.