Revising Biophysical Chemistry with Student Help
Guest Post by Dr. David Beratan, R.J. Reynolds Professor of Chemistry, and recipient of a Jump Start Grant from Learning Innovation. Teaching Biophysical Chemistry I have been learning how to …
Guest Post by Dr. David Beratan, R.J. Reynolds Professor of Chemistry, and recipient of a Jump Start Grant from Learning Innovation. Teaching Biophysical Chemistry I have been learning how to …
Our paper is out! “Cooperative learning in organic chemistry increases student assessment of learning gains in key transferable skills” by Dorian A. Canelas, Jennifer L. Hill and Andrea Novicki (me!) …
Interested in the latest updates in online teaching and learning? Connect with the Online Learning Consortium (OLC), an organization offering regional and national conferences, educator resources, and a quality framework …
Many students, particularly if they are new to college, don’t like group assignments and projects. They might say they “work better by themselves” and be wary of irresponsible members of …
During the summer and fall of 2015, the CIT led the Active Learning Faculty Fellowship. Nine faculty from a variety of disciplines shared experiences and learned about using active learning techniques in their classrooms. …
During the summer and fall of 2015, the CIT led the Active Learning Faculty Fellowship. Nine faculty from a variety of disciplines shared experiences and learned about using active learning …
Dr. Canelas clearly enjoys her students and teaching. So how and why would she put her students on the spot by calling on them at random to answer questions in …
What does a flipped classroom look like? In Professors Amanda Hargrove and Dorian Canelas’s Organic Chemistry course, 143 students entered Gross Hall 107 and settled into small groups. They read …
What does a “flipped classroom” look like? If you peek into Physics 142, you see over 100 students seated at the ends of rows in an auditorium-style classroom; many are …
Dr. Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel’s course began at Duke, spread throughout the world via Coursera (a provider of Massive Open Online Courses, MOOCs) and is now finding more ways to reach students at Duke and through Duke.