We develop transformative learning experiences for individuals, organizations, and communities at every stage of their learning journey.

Partner With Us To Reach New Learners

Work with us to engage with enthusiastic learners beyond Duke’s campus.

A group of smiling high school students feed and pet a goat.

We are always open to opportunities to partner with Duke instructors, departments and schools to develop Continuing Studies programming for learners at all stages of the learning journey:

  • Pre-College Programs seeks instructors and guest lecturers.
  • Nonprofit Management Professional Development develops custom training experiences.
  • Professional Certificates is open to partners who desire to develop professional learning experiences.
  • The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) seeks volunteers to teach classes.
  • If you are a Duke instructor and are interested in collaborating with us to increase your influence and engage with enthusiastic learners beyond Duke’s campus, contact us to see what’s possible.

Learn More With Duke

Expand your horizons by participating in a noncredit course, workshop, certificate program, or summer camp.

The Duke chapel with a red tree in front of it.

Whether you are looking for a professional certificate, enrichment opportunities, or corporate training, our catalog of Continuing Studies Programs can help you achieve your personal and professional goals by means of accessible, high quality, and challenging courses.

Alternative Credentials

Alternative credentials are learning experiences or programs smaller than degrees, such as certificates, micro-credentials, industry certifications and other non-degree qualifications, in which successful completion involves acquisition of specific competencies or skills as assessed and verified by the program provider.