By advocating a forward-looking vision for education that spans from pre-K through post-retirement, and embracing learners and learning anytime, anywhere, Learning Innovation & Lifetime Education aims to elevate the national and global conversations about innovative and emerging pedagogies. Our goal is not only to raise awareness of new teaching and learning ideas and practices, but also generate ideas and interest for applied research in emerging pedagogies.
Registration is now open for the 2024 Emerging Pedagogies Summit on October 9 – 11
We are pleased to welcome all to join us for our second Emerging Pedagogies Summit, which will be focused on “Designing and Scaling Transformative Learning For All.”
Keynote Speakers
Bridget Long
Opening Keynote
Dean, Harvard Graduate School of Education
Nisha Botchwey
Thursday Keynote
Dean, University of Minnesota Humphrey School of Public Affairs
Victor Strecher
Closing Keynote
Professor, University of Michigan School of Public Health
Past Emerging Pedagogies Activities
Spring 2024 Webinar Series: Imagining the Innovative University of the Future
Newly established universities and colleges may have certain advantages to well-established institutions, in that they can focus their programs, curricula and pedagogies on what learners need now and will need in the future. This webinar series highlighted some of the ways that innovation can and is happening in higher ed — at the university scale (macro innovation), program scale (mezzo innovation), and individual course scale (micro innovation).
Call for Proposals: Seed Grants and Faculty Fellows
The Office of the Vice Provost for Learning Innovation and Digital Education is pleased to support Duke faculty engaging in applied research and knowledge building around emerging pedagogies with seed grants and professional learning communities led by Faculty Fellows up to $10,000 each. Meet the inaugural cohort of Emerging Pedagogies Seed Grant recipients and Faculty Fellows.
The 2023 Emerging Pedagogies Summit
October 4 – 6, 2023
The Summit was an opportunity to create a hub of applied research activities and innovative practices around topics which are spurring important conversations in teaching and learning right now.
Emerging Pedagogies Symposium: Teaching and Learning in the Age of AI
April 24, 2023
We invited the Duke community to join us a discussion of the impacts, opportunities and challenges of AI in the realm of teaching, learning and educational research. The Symposium featured a keynote by Dr. Ashok Goel, Professor of Computer Science and Human-Centered Computing at Georgia Institute of Technology, and a fireside chat with Dr. Goel, Matt Hirschey (Director of the Center for Computational Thinking at Duke), and Yakut Gazi (Vice Provost for Learning Innovation and Digital Education).