Apply for DLI’s Active Learning Institute 2022

Applications are being accepted for the 2022 Learning Innovation Active Learning Institute. Applicants may apply for June 6-10 or August 1-5, 2022 cohorts of the program.

The Active Learning Institute helps faculty deepen learning and increase student motivation for all students in their classrooms by using active learning techniques proven successful at Duke and elsewhere. Participants will share teaching experiences with other faculty and practice with ideas from the pedagogical literature to help them redesign activities in a course. The program will be conducted in-person on West Campus or downtown in the Imperial Building.

Program Format

The Active Learning Faculty Institute is a compact, one week experience.  It will be offered twice, in June and August 2022, and sessions will run for one week from 11 am to 2 pm each day.

Participants who complete the program are eligible for a $500 stipend to be paid to a faculty research account.  Participants are also encouraged to make a brief presentation about an active learning activity they used in a class in an Active Learning Roundtable session to be scheduled in Fall 2022.

The Institute’s week of activities and examples are tailored to the interests and subject areas of the applicants and is taught using interactive active learning methods. Each day, faculty will engage and exchange ideas with fellow faculty members in the Institute from a range of different departments. Topics can include:

  • Research on the benefits of using active learning in your class
  • Common active learning techniques that can be easily integrated in an existing course
  • Using active learning techniques to strengthen inclusion and equity in your course
  • Assessment methods that incorporate active learning
  • Using active learning for student reflection and self or peer assessment
  • Designing class sessions and course plans that integrate active learning an an integral component
  • Using active learning techniques for feedback on a class session, an assessment, or course


  • Applications accepted through Friday, March 18, 2022. 
  • Applicants notified Friday, March 25, 2022.
  • Faculty may sign up for either the June 6-10 or the August 1-5, 2022 cohort.

Click here to apply (application closed)


Although Learning Innovation encourages the use of active learning in any discipline or course, this program is designed for and priority is given to faculty teaching undergraduate or graduate-level, in-person, semester-based courses in Trinity, Pratt, Nicholas, or Sanford. Other faculty may also apply and will be considered as space allows. For all applicants, we recommend applying to work on and redesign an existing course, rather than intending to design a brand new course.

Graduate student instructors-of-record will also be considered, although we are unable to offer GSIs a stipend. Grad students should also consider programming available through the Grad School.