Duke Learning Innovation’s mission is to help Duke students learn more, and enable more people to learn from Duke. We invite anyone at Duke—faculty, staff, students, researchers— to join us in this mission through our Spring 2019 events and programs. From faculty fellowships to book discussions to opportunities to try out new technologies, we have many ways you can be a part of teaching and learning innovation at Duke.
Active Learning Faculty Fellowship
The Active Learning Fellowship is an opportunity for you to join a small cohort of Duke faculty and develop teaching techniques that will increase learning and student motivation in your course. The program runs from Summer to Fall 2019. Deadline to apply: March 8
Learn more about the Active Learning Faculty Fellowship>>
I have learned so much and the timing of the Fellowship program was perfect. I plan to implement all the new techniques as I develop my class.
Previous Active Learning Faculty Fellowship participant
Course Design Institute
New to teaching? Teaching a new course? Want to rethink how you’re teaching an existing course? This 3-day intensive program will help you design dynamic, learning-focused courses in any discipline. Deadline to apply: March 8
Learn more about the Course Design Institute>>
BRITE Ideas is a monthly discussion group to share and develop research on teaching and learning. Invited guest speakers include those who have either completed or are currently engaged in research projects about teaching and learning. Co-hosted by the BRITE Lab, a research lab at Duke directed by Bridgette Martin Hard that seeks to improve higher education by applying the theories and methods of psychology.
See upcoming BRITE Ideas dates and topics>>
Duke Online Learning Collaborative (DOLC)
The Duke Online Learning Collaborative is a special interest group to share new ideas and innovations in the area of digital education and online teaching and learning. It’s a great opportunity to learn what is happening in online education across Duke.
See upcoming DOLC dates and topics>>
Book Discussion Lunch: What the Best College Teachers Do
What makes a great teacher great? Who are the professors students remember long after graduation? What the Best College Teachers Do, by Ken Bain, is the conclusion of a fifteen-year study of nearly one hundred college teachers in a wide variety of fields and universities, and offers valuable answers for all educators.
Join us for lunch and a discussion of the book. If you register at least a week in advance, Learning Innovation will provide you with a free copy of the book!
Register for the February 13 book discussion>>
Register for the March 19 book discussion>>
Learning Technology Pilots
Do you teach at Duke? Try out one of these new, free learning technologies in your Spring semester course:
Nudge – Boosting student content retention
Gradescope – Streamlined grading
Learn more about Spring 2019 technology pilots>>