Are you preparing to teach a class you have never taught before or redesigning a course and want to be sure your course plan promotes significant, long-term learning? Would you like to implement new types of student activities and assignments in your course, but aren’t sure which ones are most appropriate or effective for student learning?
If so, CIT encourages faculty to apply to the Course Design Institute (CDI). This new program provides faculty the opportunity to learn and apply a best-practice approach to designing dynamic, learning-focused courses in any discipline, in a compact 3-day program.
Dates: August 14 – 16, 2017
Time: 9:00 – 3:00 pm (with optional instructional consulting available 3-4:00pm)
Location: Bostock Library, Duke University West Campus (Parking can be provided with advance notice, if a participant doesn’t have access to parking on West Campus.)
Participant Support and Funding
This program is open to Duke University faculty of any rank who teach in Trinity, Pratt, Nicholas or Sanford and will be particularly valuable for early career faculty.
Each participant will receive $500 in funds deposited to a research account, a copy of the book Creating Significant Learning Experiences: An Integrated Approach to Designing College Courses by L. Dee Fink, and a set of course design resources for use after the Institute.
How to Apply
Visit the Course Design Institute to learn more, to view a sample schedule, and to apply online.
Questions? Contact Us