Learning Innovation & Lifetime Education, in partnership with the Duke Graduate School, offers a semester-long fellowship program to provide PhD students professional development opportunities in the growing area of digital education and online college teaching.

The Bass Digital Education Fellowship offers PhD students an opportunity to collaborate on digital projects in partnership with Duke faculty and under the guidance of Learning Innovation and Lifetime Education, where we support faculty to advance teaching innovation, to explore new technologies for learning, and to advance digital teaching and learning at Duke.

The program helps graduate students develop new skills to distinguish themselves in the academic job market and to explore emerging career paths in education technology, digital publishing, digital education, and teaching and learning innovation. Fellows will consult with Duke departments and/or individual faculty to uncover needs, research solutions, draft project proposals, and execute a digital project in support of undergraduate education. Fellows who complete the program will also partially fulfill the requirements for the Certificate in College Teaching.  

Current Fellows

Eun-hae Kim


During the fall 2024 semester, Eun-hae is collaborating with Learning Innovation and Lifetime Education to develop a Canvas faculty course template and modules showcasing digital tools based on evidence-based practices that will maximize the functionality and accessibility of the platform for undergraduates. This will enhance undergraduates’ learning experiences by allowing them to actively engage with the course online, since the Canvas template site will facilitate students’ ability to access all the announcements, resources, modules, assignments, discussions, and course components in one streamlined website. This project is undertaken in cross-functional collaboration with the Faculty Development and Applied Research, Learning Technology, and the Learning Experience Design Teams.

Sam Hunnicutt

Romance Studies

During the spring 2025 semester, Sam will collaborate with Learning Innovation and Lifetime Education’s Teaching Innovation and Learning Technology team to develop a Canvas collaboration site that will be used in faculty development programs to equip Duke faculty with the digital learning skills needed to design engaging digital learning experiences for their students. Sam believes that digital pedagogy offers unique opportunities for intercultural and interlingual learning for students, and this fellowship will provide practical experience implementing digital projects that he can transfer to his own career as an educator of Spanish and Latin American cultural studies.

Suhyen Bae

Political Science

Suhyen will partner with Learning Innovation and Lifetime Education, in Spring 2025 to work with Duke Summer faculty teaching undergraduate online courses. Suhyen will collaborate with LILE’s Teaching Innovation and Learning Technology team to develop Canvas modules that showcase digital pedagogies based on evidence-based practices. These modules will include instructions and demos of learning technology solutions to help instructors seamlessly implement them. Serving as a key component of faculty development for online teaching, these modules will help instructors fully utilize Canvas integration features and foster active learning.

Learn More About the Program