Learn from experienced graduate teaching assistants and engage in a teaching conversation on Feb. 24 – Register now
Join us for a discussion with experienced graduate students who have been Teaching Assistants (TAs) at Duke. The discussion will include past experiences of managing in-person and hybrid/online classes, office hours, grading, department-specific training, inclusivity, and active student engagement. This event is sponsored by Duke Learning Innovation and the Graduate School.
About the graduate student speakers

Jordan Sjol is a cinema and media studies scholar and a 6th-year PhD candidate in the Program in Literature. He began teaching in 2012 at an experimental middle and high school and has been thinking about pedagogy ever since, including as a member of the Certificate in College Teaching, a Preparing Future Faculty fellow, a fellow of the PhD lab in Digital Knowledge, a Bass Digital Education Fellow, and a fellow of Teaching on Purpose. Sjol completed GS762: Digital Pedagogy and has been a TA for the following courses:LIT 301S:Theory Today;LIT 320S: Social Movements/Social Media and LIT302S:Hashtags, Memes, Digital Tribes

Prajakta Prabhune is a PhD candidate in Mechanical Engineering and Materials Sciences. She is also a Bass Digital Education Fellow and is currently developing an online course for aiM-NRT, an NSF funded graduate research training program in a highly interdisciplinary research field of 'AI in material science.’ Prabhune completed the Graduate Academy course for Online College Teaching and GS762: Digital Pedagogy.She has been a TA for CEE 530 - MEMS 524: Finite Element Method.
Additional TA training resources:
The Teaching Assistant’s Guide to Flexible Teaching – from Learning Innovation
Teaching Assistant (TA) Training – workshops offered by the Graduate School and Learning Innovation. In addition, departments, programs, centers, student groups and others who would like to explore additional or more specialized training or workshops for teaching assistants are welcome to contact crumley@duke.edu or sophia.stone@duke.edu.