Google releases Picasa beta for the Mac
Instructors wanting students to do some simple photo management and editing in classes or in their own work have sometimes turned to Picasa, an application from Google. However, the application …
Instructors wanting students to do some simple photo management and editing in classes or in their own work have sometimes turned to Picasa, an application from Google. However, the application …
Gearing up for spring semester? Interested in trying something different? Instructors have been incorporating wikis into their courses to allow students to work collaboratively, and wikis are available through Blackboard …
As a fellow in CIT’s Flexible Learning Spaces Fellowship (2008), Deb Reisinger participated in meetings, mini-workshops, and other fellowship activities centered around the concept of ‘flexible learning’ – specifically focused on the uses of the technology and space arrangements made possible by Duke’s new teaching and learning space, the Link.
As a fellow in CIT’s Flexible Learning Spaces Fellowship (2008), Liliana Paredes participated in meetings, mini-workshops, and other fellowship activities centered around the concept of ‘flexible learning’ – specifically focused on the uses of the technology and space arrangements made possible by Duke’s new teaching and learning space, the Link.
As a fellow in CIT’s Flexible Learning Spaces Fellowship (2008), Alison Hill participated in meetings, mini-workshops, and other fellowship activities centered around the concept of ‘flexible learning’ – specifically focused on the uses of the technology and space arrangements made possible by Duke’s new teaching and learning space, the Link.
Scott Huettel, Psychology and Neuroscience David Smith (graduate student), Psychology and Neuroscience As a fellow in CIT’s Flexible Learning Spaces Fellowship (2008), Scott Huettel (Psychology and Neuroscience) and David Smith …
Susan Wynn, Program in Education Hugh Crumley, Program in Education; Graduate School As a fellow in CIT’s Flexible Learning Spaces Fellowship (2008), Susan Wynn participated in meetings, mini-workshops, and other …
As part of his course ARTSVIS 54, Introduction to Visual Practice, Bill Fick, Visiting Assistant Professor, had students examine representations of and community reactions to art at Duke. Using FlipCams, …
Have you seen this around Duke’s campus? It’s a model of a mock rock outcrop, to be measured and described by students in Dr. Alex Glass‘s EOS 11: Dynamic Earth …
Blackboard, Inc. sponsors a program every year “to help faculty use e-Learning technology more effectively by identifying and disseminating best practices for designing engaging online courses.” Blackboard’s 2009 “Exemplary Course …