Are you using Sakai and its digital tools to enhance student collaboration, engagement, and learning? Receive recognition for your teaching and course design! Apply now for the 2019 Apereo Teaching and Learning Awards (ATLAS). The deadline to submit applications is Feb. 26, 2019.
The Apereo Foundation is an open source software organization of which Duke is a member. This international award recognizes innovation and excellence in the use of Apereo tools such as Sakai, which enhance teaching, academic collaboration, student engagement, and learning.
The major goals of the award include:
- Promote excellent pedagogy and innovation in teaching and learning;
- Create a community of educators to share teaching and learning practices;
- Encourage greater faculty involvement in the Apereo community.
Information on the award (e.g. criteria, rubrics, and previous winners) is available here. Winners will be announced by the end of March 2019 and recognized at the Open Apereo Conference on June 2-6, 2019, in Los Angeles, California. Registration and travel expenses will be covered for award winners. Read the ATLAS FAQ to learn more. Learn more about the ATLAS award and begin the application process here.
Reach out to Learning Innovation if you have questions about the application process or would like to brainstorm ideas.
Previous Duke Faculty Winners
Denise Comer, Associate Professor of the Practice of Writing Studies and Director of First-Year Writing in the Thompson Writing Program won the 2017 ATLAS Award for the design of her online course Writing 270: Composing the Internship Experience: Digital Rhetoric and Social Media Discourse). See: Denise Comer Wins Innovative Teaching Award.
Associate Professor Jennie De Gagne from the Duke School of Nursing was recognized in 2016 for her innovative course Nursing 582: Population Health in a Global Society.
If you have an innovative course using Sakai and its related tools, consider submitting your application today! Contact us!