Presentation and Q&A with The Minerva Project – Feb. 13, 2018
Minerva is a new kind of global university focused on smaller classes and active, online, fully synchronous learning. Join the Distance Education Special Interest Group (DE SIG@Duke) for a demo and Q&A. Akiba Covitz, Head of Business Development for the Minerva Project, the entity that owns the intellectual property of the Minerva Schools, will present a demo of the Minerva Active Learning Forum (ALF) along with a discussion of the Minerva Project.
Date: Feb. 13, 2018
Time: 3:30 – 5pm
Location: Bostock Library, Rm. 024
Minerva developed the Active Learning Forum (ALF) to facilitate the types of active learning activities Minerva courses require, including polling, voting, collaborative editing, and easy management of breakout groups, all on one comprehensive learning management system.
The platform also collects student performance data that is in turn used to help personalize students’ intellectual pathways.
More information
- Chronicle of Higher Education post with an overview of the Minerva experience
- Recent Harvard Alumni Magazine article that features Minerva
- Results of Minerva’s CLA+ testing
- Recently published book about the Minerva project: Building the Intentional University: Minerva and the Future of Higher Education
Join Us
DE SIG@Duke focuses on program administration, pedagogy, instructional design, and learning technologies and is open to anyone at Duke with an interest in online education. Participants include program administrators, faculty, instructional designers, educational technologists, e-Learning developers, and IT leaders.
More information: contact Sophia Stone (