Using an Android Tablet with Active Stylus To Create Screencasts Easily and Inexpensively
Professor Henry Greenside discusses how to create screencasts easily and inexpensively, and discusses lessons he learned along the way.
Professor Henry Greenside discusses how to create screencasts easily and inexpensively, and discusses lessons he learned along the way.
Join us for seminars on various teaching and learning methods and trends throughout the Spring — topics include writing great multiple choice questions and using mobile devices in teaching. Registration information:
Duke would like to welcome VoiceThread to its list of tools available in Sakai. The application is designed to be a multimedia discussion board. Instructors and students can post a …
The Office of Information Technology (OIT) is pleased to announce a new interest group for members of the Duke community who are interested in creating videos for educational purposes. During …
1. OIT’s Training program can come into your classroom to get your students up and running with tools like Sites@Duke (WordPress), iMovie and more through its OnDemand Training program. 2. The Multimedia …
For most lecture videos in Coursera, faculty use a recording kit, set up to specifications recommended by Coursera, to produce their lectures with PowerPoint slides, narration, and handwritten or drawn …
The Guardian, the British national daily newspaper, asks: Do online courses spell the end for the traditional university? Carole Cadwalladr toured through a brief history of MOOCs, including Udacity, Khan …
Mohamed Noor and his course assistant, Justin Johnsen met some of the students in their Introduction to Genetics and Evolution Coursera course in a Google Hangout. Find out from students, …
Steve Earp, Manager of the Student Shop for Pratt School of Engineering wanted to help students learn how to use the shop safely, and document that students had successfully completed …
How do you create a warm-up activity in your online learning course or a flipping the classroom course to establish a learning community to engage students? Would you like students to …