iPads for your Fall course

The Duke Digital Initiative is providing a loaner pool of Apple iPads (some wifi, some with 3G capability) for exploration in undergraduate courses this year. Several faculty have already taken …

Attend the iPad users meeting

Come learn about new iPad tips, tricks, and apps at the iPad users meeting on Thursday, September 23 from 1-2pm in Perkins 217. The CIT is hosting this group for …

Using iPads for fieldwork

CIT recently funded the purchase of several iPads for use in Duke sociologist Jen’nan Read’s Research Methods course to explore the uses of Apple’s device for fieldwork. In a recent …

iPad for education: early impressions

Thinking about higher education specifically – what can we expect students and faculty actually do with the iPad? As users of iPhones or iPod Touches already know, the answer to …

Apple’s iPad for teaching and learning

Last month Apple announced their new slate-style computer, the iPad. With a nearly 10″ screen, multi-touch display and the ability to run applications like an iPhone, the iPad has potential …