Why Tropical Coastal Ecosystems on edX was an awesome MOOC

I miss Tropical Coastal Ecosystems MOOC, because of the diverse learning material including course video lectures both above and underwater, interviews, other sources of high quality video, actual real world research and conservation projects, a wide variety of ways to check and extend your knowledge, and a virtual ecology project (worth half of the course score), with multiple steps and checkpoints.

Trench dug in a grassy area near some trees.

MOOC Design Lessons From The Trenches

Duke University and its faculty have taken the initiative to explore the potential of massive, open, online courses (MOOCs) across a wide range of course topics. While supporting the faculty …

“That’s Awesome!” — Medical Neuroscience

Great Examples from Online Courses  What It’s About Medical Neuroscience by Duke University has awesome multiple-choice question assessments. This course teaches neuroscience at a graduate school level for medical and …

MOOC completion and course activities

There has been a lot of discussion about MOOC completion, most of which has focused on completion rates: what percent of people complete a MOOC, and how should we calculate …

Students in Duke’s Data Analysis and Statistical Inference MOOC

The Data Analysis and Statistical Inference Coursera MOOC is huge! There are over 85,000 students in the class from all over the world. The majority of people are participating in the course because it teaches useful skills. Read more to learn why students take the course, how the course design and resources help students learn, and read many student reactions.