Duke Online Education Panel Presents Feb. 14, 2017

Come and hear what others are doing at Duke in online education!

On Feb. 14, 2017 a group of panelists from the Duke School of Medicine, the School of Nursing, and the Fuqua School of Business will present at DE SIG.  Panelists will share an overview of their current online and blended programs, describe their process for course design and development, discuss new initiatives and a vision for the future for their school or program; and share lessons learned. (Note location)

Location: Duke School of Nursing (Pearson Building, 307 Trent Drive), Rm: 1013
Format: 3-4pm Online Education panel discussion; 4-4:30pm open discussion, announcements, Online Learning Consortium updates, and brainstorming future session topics.
RSVP: Not required [open to anyone at Duke with an interest in distance education]
Questions? contact Sophia Stone (sophia.stone@duke.edu)

By visiting Duke DE programs this spring, we have an opportunity to learn from one another, share resources, and learn how to better support programs from the administrator and faculty perspective.