Honors Chemistry without lectures or text – how did it go?

During Fall 2011, Dr. Stephen Craig taught Honors Chemistry (Chem 43) to twenty-nine students using team-based learning instead of lectures and online resources instead of a textbook.  This project also explored mobile technology through the student use of iPads.

How did it go? Based on data from multiple sources, our preliminary assessment is now available, including data and comments from students.

  • Team-based learning was viewed as a success by the instructor and by the students.
  • Students found the electronic course materials to be useful as a supplement to (but not a replacement for) the textbook
  • iPads were made available to all students; some students preferred using laptops to access the electronic course content; others preferred using the iPad.
  • The students and faculty reported positive experiences overall without sacrificing learning gains.
  • We learned a great deal about how to support faculty in locating and creating e-resources for teaching.

Dr. Craig plans to use team-based learning when teaching this course again and also will collaborate with a colleague interested in teaching larger classes with team-based learning in the coming academic year.

Read the PDF report with facts, figures and quotes.