7 ways games can contribute to learning

In this 15 minute video, Tom Chatfield makes compelling arguments on how lessons learned from gaming can be applied to education and other fields. His 7 lessons are :

  1. Measuring constant progress, giving learners chances to constantly progress and showing that progress visually using experience bars.
  2. Have multiple long and short term aims.
  3. Reward effort constantly, even for trying and failing.
  4. Feedback needs to be rapid, frequent and clear.
  5. Elements of uncertainty enhance our natural motivation.
  6. We can find windows of enhanced attention when learners are more likely to retain information and gain confidence.
  7. Other people. People like doing stuff with peers and collaborating, as a reward in itself.

A colleague pointed out to me that many of the points about effective gaming overlap with seven principles  for good practice for undergraduate education.