CARADITE provides comprehensive support for Duke faculty conducting teaching and learning research.

Teaching and learning research encompasses various traditions and methodologies, including Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL), learning sciences research, and research on classroom and curricular interventions. A common thread is that this research includes students and/or faculty in a classroom, lab, or other formal learning environment. The foundation of this research is standard educational practice, in which faculty use data from their course–such as student assignments, participatory activities, assessments, and other learning artifacts–to address research questions about instructional practices and student learning. Insights from this research are often relevant to other learning environments, designs, technologies, and activities.

As a member of the Duke research community, CARADITE offers services to support your teaching and learning research. We can assist your research through: consultations; IRB protocol development; honest broker services; and survey development.


CARADITE will consult with Duke faculty at any stage of your research process. Ready to connect with us? Please contact CARADITE.

When conducting teaching and learning research, you should carefully consider: The research question(s) you would like to explore; appropriate methodologies for your study, including plans for data collection and analysis; student consent and participation; how your study will impact students and their learning; and how you intend to share insights with stakeholders.

Remember, you will need to complete and submit an IRB protocol, and have your study approved, before starting your research.

During consultations, CARADITE staff can discuss:

  • General research inquiries
  • Study design
  • Research questions
  • Methodological approaches
  • IRB protocols
  • Surveys and other research instruments
  • Participant consent
  • Data collection and analysis
  • Research presentations and publications
  • Other study-specific topics and questions

IRB Protocol Development

Download the 2024 SoTL IRB template

CARADITE has worked extensively with the Campus IRB office to develop processes that support faculty conducting teaching and learning research. We maintain partnerships with the Campus IRB and Duke Heath IRB offices to ensure that our supports are current and comprehensive.

Carefully review our 2024 SoTL IRB template if you plan to conduct teaching and learning research. Following your review of the IRB template, please schedule a consultation with CARADITE staff to discuss your research. A consultation about IRB protocol development is a crucial aspect of initiating teaching and learning research.

This template assumes that you will collect data from student assignments and other classroom activities under the category of Standard Educational Practice and that you will use CARADITE’s honest broker services. If you plan to collect other data sources, such as data from focus groups or interviews, please contact CARADITE. We value the opportunity to discuss your research design and IRB protocol development.

Honest Broker Services

CARADITE provides honest broker services for Duke faculty conducting teaching and learning research. An honest broker is a third-party who can collect consent and study data from students participating in approved research. In this role, CARADITE staff develop consent forms and other data collection instruments in partnership with you (and, if applicable, your research team), and then we administer these research processes with students. We also prepare and deliver de-identified datasets from study participants (i.e. consenting students) once grades are submitted. This process is detailed in our SoTL IRB template.

Survey Development

Our team has extensive experience developing and reviewing research surveys, and we are happy to help develop and/or review your survey instruments.