DE SIG @ Duke December Session to Focus on Global Distance Education

The Distance Education Special Interest Group at Duke (DE SIG @ Duke) is an open group meeting every other month to discuss a range of distance education topics. Participants come from all units at Duke and include instructors, program directors and coordinators, IT directors and staff, instructional designers, and academic technology consultants. Discussions focus on program administration, pedagogy, and technology.

Join us at our December session, as we focus on two topics related to global distance education.

Session Title: Global Distance Education: Intercultural, Technical and Other Considerations to Facilitate Connection and Success

Description: First, Bridget Fletcher, an expert in intercultural communication and global competencies, will share her experiences and knowledge in ensuring international students are prepared to succeed in US-based educational programs. Then, Steve Mahaley, a veteran in leading the design and development of global executive education programs, will discuss how his teams have utilized a range of innovative technologies and strategies to connect (and connect with) working professionals from a distance, including how they have successfully implemented customized blended learning programs and offerings (blending distance and face-to-face modalities). Following the presentations, as is the tradition at DE SIG @ Duke meetings, we will have an open discussion where announcements or any topic of discussion is welcome.

Date: Tuesday, December 9, 2014: 3pm-4:30pm

Location: Bostock 024

RSVP: Not required [All meetings are open to anyone at Duke with an interest in distance education]

Guest Speakers:

  • Bridget Fletcher, Associate Director, Academic and Student Services, MEMP, Pratt School of Engineering, Duke University
  • Steve Mahaley, Global Practice Lead, Design Group, Duke Corporate Education

DE SIG @ Duke meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of every even-numbered month from 3pm-4:30pm, in Bostock 024 (CIT Conference room).

For more information or to join our email list, see our website. For questions, contact DE SIG @ Duke co-founders/co-leads Marc Sperber (DUSON) ( or Haiyan Zhou (CIT) (

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