Essays on teaching excellence

The Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network, a national organization focused on faculty and TA development, recently made Volume 21 of their Teaching Excellence Essay series available online. Volume 21 consists of eight short and succinct scholarly essays that present innovative viewpoints on college and university instruction. Below are links to this year’s essays, including several on the use of clickers.

Facilitating Group Discussions: Understanding Group Development and Dynamics
Kathy Takayama, Brown University

Transparent Alignment and Integrated Course Design
David W. Concepción, Ball State University

Multiple-Choice Questions You Wouldn’t Put on a Test: Promoting Deep Learning Using Clickers
Derek Bruff, Vanderbilt University

Engaging Students, Assessing Learning—Just a Click Away
Linda C. Hodges, Loyola University Maryland

Research-Based Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity
Michele Di Pietro, Kennesaw State University

Using Undergraduate Students as Teaching Assistants
Joseph “Mick” La Lopa, Purdue University

The Value of the Narrative Teaching Observation
Niki Young, Western Oregon University

Deep/Surface Approaches To Learning In Higher Education: A Research Update
Rhem, Executive Editor, The National Teaching & Learning FORUM

Previous years’ essay series are available at