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Teaching Innovation
- Active Learning Fellowship Summer-Fall 2018: helped faculty deepen learning and increase student motivation for all students in their classrooms by using active learning techniques. May 2018 – December 2018
- 2019 Course Design Institute.
- Collaborated with the Office of Faculty Advancement on the Faculty Advancement and Success event series
- Facilitated the 2nd Duke Kunshan University Learning Innovation Fellowship and related support for Duke faculty teaching at DKU, March 8 – May 5, 2019. Learning Innovation’s Seth Anderson and Amy Kenyon went to DKU to wrap up the second portion.
- Designed and facilitated a Fellows program for MA in Population Health
- Duke Online Learning Collaborative (DOLC)
- BRITE ideas Teaching and Research series
- Re-envisioned language labs and support for languages (partnership with Trinity Technology Services).
- Consulted with faculty in the physics department to evaluate hybrid teaching models in introductory classes.
- Partnered with Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education to reimagine undergraduate research opportunities using MUSER, a tool for blind matching undergraduate students with available research opportunities (Feb 2019)
- “Classroom Mode” experiment to investigate use of software to focus student online work on courses, to improve student productivity and attention/engagement (Aug – Dec 2018)
- Hybrid Fellows program for languages faculty (in French, Spanish, Turkish, Hindi and Persian): intensive program for 9 faculty to redesign their 2018-19 courses to include hybrid/online components. March 2018- December 2018.
- Language Visit a Classroom program: facilitated faculty community from language programs, who visited each others’ classrooms and discussed what they learned (Sept-Dec, 2018)
- Hosted virtual access to Transforming the Teaching and Learning Environment conference(Feb 2019)
- Wrapped up NextEd Fest 2018 — check this page for streaming video from several events
- Ran a series of active/outcomes-focused sessions for the Activating the Global Network Task Force (Duke Board of Trustees) (Sept-Nov 2018)
- Held Sony Active Learning Classroom technologies demos and workshops – Sept 12-13, 2018
- Master of Interdisciplinary Data Science (MIDS) Online Summer 2018 Review Course: managed development of an intensive 8-week summer program covering Python, statistics and linear algebra for 40+ incoming master’s students.
- Duke in Middle East in Europe course(s): Partnering w/ Kiron to provide Duke Coursera courses and Duke students as tutors to refugees in Berlin.
- Learning Innovation Lab (Bostock 024) was set up as an open Course Design Work Space for Faculty (Dec 10-14; 10am-4pm daily)
- Hosted the Learning Technologies Consortium (LTC), March 20-22
- Hosted HAILStorm Academic Innovation Collaborative, March 25-28
- Hosted the Spring 2019 meeting of the Learning Innovation Advisory Council, April 12
Learning Technologies
- Duke Sakai upgraded to version 19 — Sakai upgraded May 11 – new Rubrics tool among new features
- Presented on Kits at Carroll U NGDLE Workshop, Duke OIT Tech Expo, Reclaim Hosting Domains 19
- wrapped Zoom exploration and pilot
- Kits– the Duke Learning App store – displays to learners a unified interface for accessing the instructional tools used by their learning communities. (First version released January 2019)
- Supported and planned for Hacking for Defense course (Sowers and McClelland)
- Sakai UI/UX development
- Nudge project: Piloting Learning Boosters concept and technologies; student interns working on a new app based on the Ebbinghaus forgetting curve research
- Supported Math departments exploration of Crowdmark
Online Duke
Research, Evaluation and Development
- WALTer 2.0 – Expanded our IRB templates and documents to include student consent forms, data delivery processes, and a template for IRB protocols for research on teaching and learning
- Expanded research around the CURE (Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience) model of teaching with projects in biology and chemistry courses
- Supported research on structured reflection as pedagogy in language instruction
- Provided de-identified student activity data to support six faculty-led research projects
- Developed an online tool for students to record language learning experienced prior to Duke to improve language course placements
- Published research on cyber-incivility in online medical education in collaboration with faculty in the school of nursing.
- Developed a process by which any member of the Duke community can share their ideas for new innovations or technologies to support teaching and learning
- Hired new R&D Program Coordinator
- We contributed our process and resources for helping Duke faculty lower barriers to conducting education research to the Empirical Educator Project: