Many faculty have told us they value working on their courses in a quiet but collegial atmosphere, with the ability to ask questions and get suggestions and consultation when necessary. To support this need, Learning Innovation will provide an informal “retreat-style” work space in Bostock 024 for you and your colleagues to work on Spring 2019 courses the week of December 10-14.
You are welcome to come by anytime 10 AM-4 PM Monday, December 10 through Friday, December 14. Enjoy coffee, tea and snacks, work for one or several hours, browse our library of course design books, and get teaching consultation upon prior request.
Bring your departmental colleagues or those with whom you’re co-teaching, and work efficiently together to finish preparing your Spring courses. Or come by yourself if you prefer. We’ll be here to help, either way!
No registration is required, but if you know you would like a teaching consultation on any of these days or times, please email us so we can have the discipline-appropriate consultant available to meet you.