Videos for teaching in online courses and programs should engage as well as inform. Duke Learning Innovation’s experienced consultants and media team will work with you to create high-quality videos that communicate what you know while helping your students learn.

Explore some the examples below to learn about some of the styles of video we can help you create for online modules and courses.

In Studio

Our production studio in Bryan Center allows for a quiet and controlled environment to record lectures, discussions (local and remote), and much more.  The studio is equipped with a green screen, a teleprompter, and a reference monitor for slide presentations.

Green Screen Lecture


Remote Discussion

On Location

We’re equipped to film just about anywhere. Whether it’s a student discussing their work in the lab, or a training scenario in the hospital, recording on site allows us to give context and specificity to a video’s learning objectives.





Beyond typical camera recordings, we’re also able to utilize various technologies to create simple animations or capture a computer screen.


Screen Capture