The Active Learning Institute helps faculty deepen learning and increase student motivation for all students in their classrooms by using active learning techniques proven successful at Duke and elsewhere. Participants will share teaching experiences with other faculty and practice with ideas from the pedagogical literature to help them redesign activities in a course.
Read about the 2022 Active Learning Institute cohort.
The 2022 Program Format
The Active Learning Institute is a compact, one week experience. It will be offered twice, in June and July 2022, and sessions will run from 11 am to 2 pm Eastern each day. Full program details here.
Participants who complete the program are eligible for a stipend to be paid to a faculty research account. Participants are also encouraged to make a brief presentation about an active learning activity they used in a class in an Active Learning Roundtable session to be scheduled in Fall 2022.
Applications for the 2022 Active Learning Institute are closed. Subscribe to our newsletter to be alerted when applications for the 2023 Institute open.
Learning Innovation institutes are open to Duke University faculty of any rank, or to academic staff, teaching courses in any school.