2024 Emerging Pedagogies Summit

play video: Educational Opportunity: Current Challenges and Hopeful Possibilities through Technology

Day 1 | Opening Keynote: Educational Opportunity: Current Challenges and Hopeful Possibilities through Technology

play video: The Role of Lifelong Learning in Shaping Democratic Citizens and Inclusive Leaders Early in Life

Day 2 | Morning Keynote: The Role of Lifelong Learning in Shaping Democratic Citizens and Inclusive Leaders Early in Life

play video: Fireside Chat: Digital Learning for Scale

Day 2 | Fireside Chat: Digital Learning for Scale

play video: CARADITE announcement

Day 2 | CARADITE Announcement

play video: Life on Purpose: How Living for What Matters Most Changes Everything

Day 3 | Closing Keynote: Life on Purpose: How Living for What Matters Most Changes Everything

2024 Spring Webinar Series: Imagining the Innovative University of the Future

Newly established universities and colleges may have certain advantages to well-established institutions, in that they can focus their programs, curricula and pedagogies on what learners need now and will need in the future. How can established and respected institutions such as Duke evolve and innovate based on strong foundations, to expand their quality offerings to reach new audiences of learners, teach new skills and capabilities, and develop new ways of recognizing and tracking learner accomplishment? 

This webinar series highlighted some of the ways that innovation can and is happening in higher ed — at the university scale (macro innovation), program scale (mezzo innovation), and individual course scale (micro innovation). 

play video: new universities of the 21st century

New Universities of the 21st Century

play video: alternative credentials

Alternative Credentials and Modularity as Innovative Learning Pathways

play video: applied research and classroom based innovation

Applied Research and Classroom-Based Innovation

2023 Emerging Pedagogies Summit

play video: keynote

Day 1 | Opening Keynote: Learning in the Age of Rapid Technological Change

play video: day 2 opening remarks

Day 2 | Opening Remarks: Candis Watts Smith

play video: humanizing learning design

Humanizing Your Learning Design to Support Student Success

play video: gamification

Grading, Gamification, and the “Game” of School

play video: virtual reality

Emerging Powers of Virtual Reality in Teaching and Learning

play video: day 3 opening remarks

Day 3 | Opening Remarks: Joe Salem

play video: learning for the 100 year life

Learning for the 100-Year Life

play video: design based pedagogy

Design-Based Pedagogy for Transformative Learning

play video: learning at scale

Learning at Scale: Strategies and Best Practices

play video: generative AI at duke

Generative AI for Teaching and Learning at Duke