Online undergraduate course: Issues and innovation in American classrooms

Kristen Stephens, Associate Professor of the Practice, Program in Education

Project Description

Kristen Stephens’s Education 168 course for Summer 2010 was planned specifically as an online course from the start (one of the first online undergraduate courses offered in the summer at Duke), one of only two undergraduate courses at Duke offered in this mode. The course […]

Teaching Handwriting with the iPad

JoAnne Van Tuyl, Associate Professor of the Practice, Slavic and Eurasian Studies
Project description:
In Fall 2010, JoAnne Van Tuyl is having her Russian language students practice writing in cursive with an iPad borrowed from the Duke Digital Initiative. Van Tuyl is interested in how the iPad can help teach handwriting skills and provide an opportunity to […]

iPads as a tool for media comparison

Satendra Khanna, Associate Professor of the Practice, Asian & Middle Eastern Studies

Project description:

Satendra (Satti) Khanna is teaching a small Hindi course in Fall 2010 that is using a contemporary Hindi version of the Mahabharata epic as the principal course text. Khanna is interested in students comparing three versions of the […]

Facilitating Class Discussions with an iPad

Jessica Otey, Lecturing Fellow, Italian, Romance Studies

Project description:

Jessica Otey is using a browser-based platform called NowComment to facilitate the collective commenting of documents, as a central part of her Italian literature survey course (18th-21st centuries). Before class, students are expected to post comments by logging into NowComment and commenting while reading the assigned […]

iEdit: Using the iPad for Editing and Annotating Papers

Deb Reisinger, Lecturer, French, and Assistant Director of the French Language Program, Romance Studies
Project description:
In Fall 2010, Deb Reisinger will be using an iPad and stylus borrowed from the Duke Digital Initiative as a tool for editing and annotating students papers along with the iAnnotate iPad app. Reisinger will be grading 144 papers over the semester in her […]

Learning History with the iPad

Youshaa Petel, Graduate Student, Religion Department
Project description:
In Fall 2010, Youshaa Patel, Graduate Student in the Religion Department, and his undergraduate students, are using the iPad in his course Muhammad and Prophecy.  The goal is to explore how the device can be integrated into dynamic classroom presentations that use multimedia.  As the course explores the life […]

EReading Pilot Project

Denise Comer; Assistant Professor of the Practice in Writing and Director, First Year Writing Program; Thompson Writing Program
Project description:
During Fall 2010, Denise Comer, Thompson Writing Program, will be working in collaboration with Kenneth Rogerson, Lecturer in Public Policy and Director of Undergraduate Studies, Sanford School of Public Policy; and Rebecca Vidra, Mellon Lecturing Fellow, Thompson […]

The iPad in Music Education

During the Fall semester of 2010, Brenda Neece-Scott, Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Music, will be exploring how the iPad can be used by musicians and faculty teaching music. Joining her in the exploration will be H. Wayne Lail, Voice Lecturer in the Department of Music, and Duke’s music librarian, Laura Williams.

Neuroscience Methods in 3D

Thanks to Craig Roberts, students in Neuroscience Methods (NEUROSCI 184) will be able to watch 2D and 3D movies of neuroscience techniques to complement discussion with a scientist who practices the technique (and has produced the video).