Day in the Life: Heather Hans, Senior Learning Experience Designer
When you ask a child, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” you probably won’t hear “A learning experience designer!” Careers in instructional design, faculty support, online …
When you ask a child, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” you probably won’t hear “A learning experience designer!” Careers in instructional design, faculty support, online …
For the past nine months, the Online Duke team has been working on a new course series on unoccupied aircraft systems (UAS or drones), UAS Applications and Operations in Environmental …
Even before the pandemic, healthcare professionals, and in particular, physicians, have been burning out at record rates. A landmark study by Tait Shanafelt, et al., at Stanford University found that …
The Computational Methods modules (Sakai site shown here) help students get up to speed on programming skills needed for their engineering coursework. This is a guest blog post by Jonathan …
Take a lot of the guesswork out of having a well-organized, learner-centered Sakai site by using one of the new course templates. Whether you need a simple, streamlined site for …
The first days of class present a great opportunity to set the tone for your class, your interactions with students, and students’ interactions with each other. Many of the best practices …