Elise Mueller is the consultant for the language departments at Duke. Her goal is to support their teaching through sound pedagogy and educational technologies. She leads fellowships and workshops on blended teaching, student reflection, portfolios and course design. She is currently grappling with the meaning of a liberal arts education in the 21st century.
In classrooms filled with pens and dry erase markers, instructors and students can share solutions to problems, write notes on documents and diagram ideas. This post explores electronic options to …
What is Zoom fatigue? Over the last few months, there have been multiple articles written about Zoom fatigue in mainstream publications. The endless hours spent online in front of students, …
Any course this fall may have elements of in-person and online instruction. Students in a hybrid course may not be able to attend online synchronous sessions because they are in …
“How can we encourage students to notice themselves, their thoughts, their colleagues, and the here and now?” This is the question central to the new mindful pedagogy book club.
In a virtual reality experience users are able to look at, move through, and interact with a virtual world. This blog will discuss some examples of VR in education and how to get started with VR on your phone.