Learning Innovation and the Office of Information Technology are pleased to announce that Duke University and Duke Kunshan University will transition from our current learning management system (LMS), Sakai, to the Canvas platform during the 2023 – 2024 academic year.
No action is needed at this time and no Spring 2023 courses will be affected. If you are a Duke instructor scheduled to teach in Fall 2023 and are interested in being an early adopter of Canvas, please fill out this short interest form.
Canvas is the largest LMS provider in higher education, and has already been successfully adopted by programs at the Fuqua School of Business and School of Medicine, as well as many of Duke’s peer institutions. Features and functions of Canvas that the evaluation team found especially valuable include – but are certainly not limited to:
- Speedgrader
- Mastery Paths and Mastery Grading
- New Analytics
- Global Calendar
- Mobile Apps (Instructor and Student)
- Easier integration with external applications (such as Google Drive, Panopto, and Gradescope)
- A large, engaged user community
Transitioning to a new platform with a stronger user community and support for an expanded array of learning experiences will have a positive institutional and systemic impact on the teaching and learning environment at Duke.
Additional information about this transition, including a timeline and answers to frequently asked questions, is available at the Duke LMS Transition website. We will also send email updates throughout the transition to keep the Duke community informed of important dates and resources. If you did not receive the initial announcement sent on December 8 and are a member of the Duke community, you may sign up for the email list.
We are devoting a significant amount of support to transitioning course sites and training to minimize the impact on instructors. If you have any questions or concerns, you may email the project team at lmstransition@duke.edu.