Do faculty at your university feel overwhelmed by all the learning applications available to them? Do they often have trouble finding the right application for their teaching needs? Or feel frustrated by trying to add their students to many different apps? Kits can help.
Kits is a new learning platform in development at Duke University. Kits makes it easy for faculty to find the right application for their teaching need, and share that learning app with their students. Here’s how it works.
When faculty login to Kits, they see a card for every course they are teaching. We call this card a ‘kit’. Using the Add App option for the kit, faculty can browse the app store in Kits for the right tool to use for their teaching need.
The App Store provides a single place for faculty to browse apps and learn more how each one can be used pedagogically. This makes it easy for faculty to find the right app for their teaching need.
A course kit automatically includes the course roster with all students and instructors having instant access to the kit. Adding collaborators such as teaching assistants or academic support staff is easy. Once added, these new collaborators get access to all apps in the kit.
Both faculty and students have the flexibility of adding an app or resource to their kit with the custom link option in the app store. Examples for using this option might be any app that has a share-by-link option such as Slack, Google Docs, or Padlet.
If Kits would be a good fit for your university, reach out to me the Kits product manager, Jolie Tingen ( We are actively seeking new pilot partners to get faculty and institutional feedback on Kits beyond Duke. You can learn more about our work on Kits at or contact Jolie for a demo.