Are you using more than one app to teach your course? Maybe even three apps or more such as WordPress, Box, and Warpwire? This fall, a new learning platform, Kits, will be available to all faculty and students at Duke that makes finding and sharing learning apps with your students easy.
What is Kits?
Kits gives you one place to go where you can manage all the apps that you use in your course. We call this space your “kit”. It is very simple to set up your kit; just go to the Kits website and pick what apps you want to use. You can pick different apps for each course you teach.

What can I do with Kits?
Quickly find or learn about apps for learning in the app store
Instructors are able to easily add new learning apps to their kit by browsing the Kits App Store.

Currently, the Kits App Store includes: Sakai, Warpwire, Box, Sites@Duke (WordPress), Piazza, Duke Wiki, Panopto, and Sympa (Email Listserv). Don’t see the app you are looking for? Let us know with the app request form.

Connect your learners to apps with one click
When apps are added to a kit, that app is shared with everyone in the kit automatically.

Add new learners or collaborators to all apps in your kit
Need to add a new teaching assistant to your kit? Adding new learners or collaborators such as teaching assistants automatically gives them access to all the apps in your kit.

Easily connect your custom app to your kit with the Custom Link tool
Are you using Slack, Google Docs, Padlet or another non-Duke tool for your teaching? You can add almost any tool to your kit with the Custom Link option.

Students can use the Custom Link tool as well to add their own resources for learning which are visible only to them.
Are you interested in using Kits this fall? Go to to get started. If you have questions about Kits, let us know. We are available all summer during drop-in office hours, or send us a message at