Engage in a Teaching Conversation with Faculty on Nov. 7

Learning Innovation invites you to engage in conversation with award-winning Duke faculty as they share teaching insights and lessons learned from their years of teaching. Following the event, the Duke Libraries will host a “meet & greet” for interested faculty to meet with librarians who can help faculty through their research and teaching career at Duke. It’s a great opportunity to establish this important connection.

Title: What I Wish I Had Known About Teaching (at Duke)
Date: Nov. 7, 2018
Time: 3:00-4:30pm
Location: Perkins Library, Room 217
RSVPregister here

Faculty speakers for this event are from a variety of disciplines in the humanities, social sciences, engineering, and science, and include:

  • Lisa Merschel, PhD, Senior Lecturer of Romance Studies
  • Peter Feaver, PhD, Professor of Political Science
  • Karen Murphy, PhD, Lecturer of Psychology and Neuroscience & Assistant Dean, Trinity College
  • Joseph Nadeau, PhD, Professor of the Practice in Civil and Environmental Engineering

The information is particularly relevant to new faculty at Duke (those with three years or less teaching experience) but we welcome experienced faculty to attend as well to share their insights during the teaching conversation.


For more information contact Duke Learning Innovation.

To read about previous events on this topic, see:

Reflections on Teaching Shared with New Duke Faculty
Teaching Insights for New Duke Faculty