Join Duke faculty and students for a collection of lightning talks on teaching, research and pedagogy, followed by open discussion. BRITE Ideas is a BRITE Lab and Duke Learning Innovation collaborative event.
Date: Wednesday, April 18, 2018
Time: 12:00 – 1:00 pm
Location: Perkins Library, Room 217
Registration is REQUIRED for lunch (register by April 14)
In this collection of lightning talks, Bridgette Martin Hard, PhD, Associate Professor of the Practice, Psychology and Neuroscience, along with Duke faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates will share BRITE ideas (Behavioral Research Informing Teaching Excellence). These are new research ideas to tackle important problems in education and to understand the social, emotional, and cognitive aspects of the learning environment. This event will be an excellent opportunity to come together to listen, learn, and share your own ideas in teaching and research.
Lightning Talks
Can an Out-of-Class Language Exposure Intervention Improve Second Language Learning? (Shannon Dailey and Joshua Lovett)
Learning a second language can be especially challenging for adults. This project explores whether having opportunities outside of class to listen to authentic language input can reduce anxiety and improve language processing efficiency for college students learning a second language.
Effects of Gender Norms on Student-Professor Impression Formation (Adam Stanaland, Katherine Morawa, Natasha Parikh)
First impressions in the classroom matter, and these are sometimes formed even before teachers and students step foot in the classroom. This project explores how gender norms shape the perceptions that students form of their professors from the very beginning.
Developing an Implicit Measure of Intelligence Mindset
(Christina Bejjani and Brenda Yang)
A wealth of research suggests that people’s beliefs about the nature of intelligence, specifically whether intelligence is malleable (a “growth mindset”) or fixed (a “fixed mindset”) shapes life and academic outcomes. However, most measures of a growth mindset rely on face-valid, self-report questions. This project explores whether it is possible to discriminate between intelligence mindsets by analyzing the language people use to respond to various writing prompts.
About BRITE Lab
The BRITE Lab at Duke University aims to improve higher education by applying the theories and methods of psychology: the scientific study of the mind and behavior. Our research draws insights from the study of human cognition, emotion, social interaction, and culture to understand college students’ experiences and develop better educational practices. We use the tools of science to find out whether and why different educational methods work.
More Information
For more information about this event contact Duke Learning Innovation.