Warpwire is a streaming media solution available to the Duke community. The service allows users to upload videos, audio files, and images to libraries that can be accessed anywhere on the web without needing to open the files in a program like iTunes or Windows MediaPlayer. Warpwire is a stand-alone service at https://warpwire.duke.edu but it can also be used as a tool in Sakai.
The latest version of Warpwire, released on December 30, has two important new features that allow users to organize content in libraries more effectively: tagging and sorting. Tagging media items allows users to sort the content of a library easily and share a link to a playlist by tag. Any media added directly through the link will acquire the same tag. The new sorting features makes it easy to view media items by tag, contributor, title and date added.
In addition to tagging and sorting, Warpwire now has a new edit button. It allows users to perform changes to a single or multiple items in a library. Editing choices include copying items to different libraries, deleting items, and deleting and adding tags.
New in this release is “drop box” mode in libraries, which has two potential uses. Users can hide their Warpwire library content until it is ready, by switching from drop box and normal mode to publish the content. Instructors can also use a drop box library to have students upload private files. Students will only see their own uploads, but instructors will be able to access them all.
If you would like to learn more about Warpwire, there are several upcoming workshops offered by CIT on January 8 and 19. Or, if you are new to using video for teaching and learning, consider signing up for CIT office hours for a one-on-one consultation on best practices for using video in your course.