The Graduate School invites faculty, graduate TAs and other Duke instructors to a teaching presentation:
Plagiarism has long been a problem for instructors who give writing assignments. The issue is important for online instruction, too. Yet there are ways to reduce plagiarism that also make the writing experience better for both students and instructors. Dr. Cary Moskovitz, Associate Professor of the Practice of Writing and Director, Writing in the Disciplines, in the Thompson Writing Program, will present and discuss some of these methods.
Monday, Nov 11, 2013, 12:00 – 1:30
Perkins Library 217
Register here (lunch provided for those who register by 11/8/2013).
The only way to prevent Plagiarism effectively is the use of advancement in technology. Text Analytics is what we need to look for. Text Analytics solutions can scan and get insights from electronic text data regardless of format or location making Plagiarism identified . Thank you for the post.