With their Duke Coursera MOOC, “Think Again: How to Reason and Argue,” wrapping up, professors Walter Sinnott-Armstrong and Ram Neta received a thank you note from one of their students, Dan, based in Iran. Below is a copy of the thank you note as well as a picture of Dan and some of his fellow classmates from the Think Again course.
Dear Walter and Ram,
I am writing on behalf of a study group for your Think Again course in Mashad, Iran. You guys probably get this kind of reaction a lot, but I can barely begin to communicate all the excitement your course caused among us. Not only did it inspire us to study the material you provided on Coursera, but we also got hold of a copy of Walter’s book (Understanding Arguments) and read the corresponding chapters every week. So, in the spirit of thanking you for all the time and effort you put into preparing the material, we decided to email you guys to thank you personally. Also, apparently, you are planning to offer the course again shortly, but we were wondering if any of you were planning to offer any new courses with a similar theme?
We learned a lot, and hope we can put it to some good use in our lives, and we are forever grateful.