The Perkins Library System is investigating needs that exist on campus for language learning resources to support independent language learners (individuals not taking a Duke class, but who need to learn or brush up on a foreign language). As part of our investigation, and to help us determine whether we should license software to support these needs, we are gathering feedback on several online language learning resources: Byki, Mango, Rosetta Stone and Tell Me More.
If you or your students could benefit from these types of resources, please take a few minutes soon to explore Byki and Mango (Duke netID required) and provide feedback via our online forms by the end of October. More information about the Rosetta Stone and Tell Me More trials will be available soon on the Library homepage.
Would these resources help students in your classes? Would they be useful to students traveling abroad for DukeEngage or other co-curricular activities? Would they help students better learn to read research materials in their original language?
Tell us what you think!