Learning Management Systems demos: Moodle, Sakai and Blackboard 9

bblearn_iconThe eLearning Roadmap Group was convened last summer to develop policies and services around the various computer-based tools faculty use in teaching. Although not the sole focus of the group, an important current project is to investigate the various leading products in the Learning Management System (LMS) arena. Duke’s license with its current LMS, Blackboard, comes up for renewal in 2012 so this is a good time to engage in a full review of the LMS “landscape.” The question: In 2012 should we stay with Blackboard version 9, or move to a different product?



To make a recommendation on this question, the eLearning Roadmap Group has been gathering input from faculty/instructors, administrators, staff and students about what is needed in eLearning tools, including the LMS. The group has also been evaluating the current common LMS products and talking with colleagues at institutions using these products.

The group’s goal is to develop a preliminary recommendation by mid-May 2010, with a final recommendation in October 2010.

How can you help?

We need input NOW from Duke teaching faculty, instructors and instructional support staff. We are hosting demonstrations and discussions about each of the three potential LMS products in the next three weeks:

  • Moodle, 3/19/2010
  • Sakai, 3/23/2010
  • Blackboard 9, 4/1/2010

Specifics are on the registration page. Please sign up to attend each of the demos and provide your feedback about how well these products would work for you and your teaching!! With your input, along with information about Duke’s strategic goals and directions, and the technical capabilities of the systems, we can make an informed recommendation.

If you care about the LMS recommendation the group might develop, make sure your voice is heard at the demos. Sign up now!

If you want to also get involved in other ways, here are two options:

  • Share your opinions and questions at the weekly LMS Office Hours with Ed Gomes, associate Dean for Trinity Technology Service and chair of the eLearning Roadmap Group, each Thursday 3-4 pm in the CIT lab (024 Bostock Library).
  • CIT may be able to obtain logins and test course sites for you in each of the other systems so that you can explore (sample versions of) each system hands-on. Please contact CIT if you would like this option.