Blackboard can help you report final grades to Duke, and reuse your teaching materials in a new course.
Tip 1: Export official grades from Blackboard to Duke University’s STORM system
Before you can export grades from the Grade Center, you must have a column with grades, with the primary display set to “Letter”. Then, from the Control Panel, select Export Official Grades. Follow the step-by-step directions on our help page.
For more ideas on managing the Blackboard Grade Center, visit the CIT blog post, Five Blackboard tips for managing grades more easily.
Tip 2: Copy course materials from your current course to a new course
Find the “Copy” link/button in one of two places in your Blackboard course site.
1. To copy a single item or folder, look for the “Copy” button via the Edit view or Control Panel.
2. To copy a Content Area (e.g., Course Information, Course Documents) or an entire course, look for the “Course Copy” link in the Control Panel under Course Options.
For detailed instructions of how to copy content, visit our help page (or watch Neal demonstrate in this video)
Finally, don’t forget to make your new course site open to your students when you are ready, by going to the Control Panel –> Course Options –> Settings –> Course Availability and select “Yes”.
To learn more, visit our Blackboard help site, or request an office visit and we will come to you.