Antonio Arce, Academic Program Coordinator, Center for Latin American & Caribbean Studies
Project Description:
The Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS) offers a certificate for Duke students “interested in documenting their expertise and coursework focused on the region.” CIT provided funding and consulting to enable CLACS to design and implement a process for evaluating their program with Chalk&Wire’s ePortfolio2 assessment software. By adding papers, videos and other ‘artifacts’ (examples of their learning) to a structured portfolio, students benefited from receiving more feedback and guidance from faculty and program staff. Arce hopes that this evaluation process will help to “re-structure the certificate offerings, track student progress, and measure the impact of our curriculum and extra-curricular events on the learning outcomes of our students.”
For more information on the availability and pricing of Chalk & Wire at Duke, visit Trinity Technology Services’ Chalk&Wire page
Project start date: 12/15/2008
Funding awarded: $2750